The sailor's scrapbook ,untouched ,just the way it was found.............

His sweet heart !??

Gotta love the 20's Louise Brooks hair style.........

Sam's got your back .......nothing has changed.

Nice rendition of the old pea coat.......

Sailors and flappers........

Let's stray away,for once ,from our usual topic: The vintage clothes...Any how ,you'll find today's post in some ways connected of course .While on my weekly hunting trip at my favorite flea market,i try not to limit myself and just look for specific items.Old papers,books ,photos,you name it, i dig them all.That's how,few years ago while emptying an old cardboard box, i came upon this small "note book".It was coming apart and covered with dust and "cheese clothe like" fabric.A sailor's scrapbook from the mid 20's ,that's what it was.A slice of a seaman's life in the 20's.A glance at an overlooked era of what was life in the navy back then.Your average "flea market scrapbook" is all about valentines ,victorian cut outs,or even movie stars.This one is mostly about cartoons and sailor's poetry .....Unusual indeed