Late 19th and early 20th century ,manufacturers of work clothes such as Boss of the road and Can't but 'em,started to "tailor" their ads for their demographic, hoping to establish brand loyalty.Their goal was to appeal to consumers "rugged sensibilities ,by creating logos baring strong animal symbols unable to tear apart their products .the hard working men who purchased such garments, required well-made and most of all,durable clothes. Having a recognizable company name or trade mark was a huge advantage when it came time of replacement.It was then that ad campaigns emphasizing on logos started in newspapers ,magazines and on the sides of buildings.The buildings were often general stores where the consumer could buy the advertised garments or brand.No doubt that it was the names and images on the work clothes buttons and tags ,that contributed to future purchases of that brand .These reminded the wearer how well a garment wore long after it was purchased .Nowadays in the vintage collector's universe same principals still apply ,but mostly focusing on rarity rather than quality..........
Salut Patrick,
ReplyDeleteJe trouve tes posts toujours soignés et interessants. Même si c'est pas mon domaine, on voit que tu t'appliques. Ton blog mériterait d'être plus connu.
Bon été.
merci de prendre le temps de poster des commentaires, car ils sont toujours les bienvenus .en fait ,je ne supporte pas ces blogs qui se contentent de piquer des photos a droite a gauche et juste poste une vague bafouille,sans meme rechercher un tant soit peu leur sujet ....et puis c'est un peu mon cote"artiste" comme on dit,j'peu pas m'empecher.en fait plus on est de fous ....libre a toi de passer le mot, afin que j'ai plus de followers c'est sur que ca me boosterai un peu pour poster plus souvent .......bonnes vacances et a plus sur ces ondes