Enough has been said about the 101st already and one might have the tendency of forgetting that the first American paratroopers were the men of the 82nd airborne division .Today is the 66th anniversary of D DAY and i just wanted to pay my modest respects to all the brave men of the "ALL AMERICAN"who fought and died for my country .
The largest combined military operation in history,"D-Day", was to be spearheaded by the 82d and 101st Airborne Divisions. Visibility was hampered by poor weather conditions as the C-47's crossed the English Channel during the first hours of the 6th of June 1944. When the troop carriers finally did made landfall on the Cherbourg Peninsula they came under heavy German flak scattering many of the troop carrier flights. It was 0300 hours on 6 June 1944, when the 505th were given the green light to jump. Some Pathfinders were able to signal their dropzones. However, many of the troop carriers missed their dropzones and the All-Americans of the 505th began landing across a large swath of the countryside around Normandy.
Nevertheless, the 505th PIR was one of the first airborne units to hit the ground and despite the subsequent confusion surrounding the landing, were able to use it to their advantage mustering enough troops under the command of the 2nd Battalion Commander, Lt. Col. Benjamin Vandervoort to liberate the first town in France, - St. Mere-Eglise. The paratroopers jumped prior to the actual start of the invasion "H-Hour". Because of the tradition of being the first into the fight, the 505th Regimental motto is "H-MINUS". For their performance in the invasions the 505th was awarded the Presidential unit citation, the unit equivalent of the Medal of Honor awarded to individual soldiers. In the words of author Clay Blair, the paratroopers emerged from Normandy with the reputation of being a pack of jackals; the toughest, most resourceful and bloodthirsty in Europe.......
Bel hommage pour des soldats que nous avons, pour beaucoup, complétement oubliés...Le courage de tous fait que, trés certainement, nous pouvons en parler librement aujourd'hui.
ReplyDeleteLa date de fabrication de la veste est tout simplement incroyable!!
Bravo pour tes photos toujours aussi bien misent en valeurs.
Merci pour ce post instructif.
ReplyDeleteTu collectionnes que les costumes américains ? ou tu en as d'autres pays ?
Après 5 décennies d'antagonisme avec les USA, on oublie facilement le prix qu'a payé cette nation pour venir nous libérer : Ses fils qui sont partis au casse-pipe et ses mères qui ont payé le plus lourd des tributs.
Hier soir, a été rediffusé "Save Private Ryan", pire que l'arrivée des chars allemands, l'effondrement de la mère à la venue des officiels de l'armée pour lui annoncer la mort de 3 de ses fils.
Dure époque mais tellement passionnante.
merci a vous pour les compliments,ca fait plaisir d'etre lu .....c'est sans aucun doute une periode de l'histoire, a la fois tragique et passionnante et c'est en m'y interressant que j'ai veritablement commence a collectioner le vintage .CLIGNANCOURT a l'epoque etait farci de surplus US en tous genresa des prix defiants l'imagination .SAVING PRIVATE RYAN a fait beaucoup,surtout ici aux US, pour raviver les memoires et le respect des veterans de ce que l'on appelle ici "the great genaration" [rapport aux sacrifices]......
ReplyDeleteDo you know what the top left ribbon is on the uniform jacket (top picture)? I ask because my father had the same ribbon, but I can find nothing on it.